The Biggest Letdowns of Video Games in 2022

Its always a shame when a game you and others have been hyped up about turns out terrible. Well maybe its not completely trash, though its certainly disappointing from the expectations you had at first. Here we’ll be covering the biggest letdowns of video games from this year and why they flopped.

Sonic Frontiers


PC, Xbox one, Series X/S, PS4, PS5

Starting with Sonic Frontiers, this game had a lot of potential seeing as it could have utilized the new-gen’s power. Instead, we get a bland open sandbox like sonic game with different platforms and bosses to beat. Although this may sound cool on paper, it doesn’t translate well in the game. The platforms and objectives get quickly repetitive and most of all the look of the open world is awful. What the sonic team needs to do going forward is keep the big landscapes they have here and improve on the visuals. Additionally, camera angles is a much needed fix in the future to help the combat feel more fluid.

Callisto Protocol


PC, Xbox one, Series X/S, PS4, PS5

Callisto Protocol was one game that really disappointed me personally, especially with the expectations I had for it. Although, it did trouble me that it was only going to be 7-10 hours long for a $70 game. Even then it still had the potential to deliver the best 7 hours of gameplay, which didn’t happen sadly. While the visuals do look nice, it really only ran and looked great consistently on the PS5 at launch. The main feature that annoyed me was the repetitive melee combat system, making even the boss fights seem underwhelming.

Saints Row


PC, Xbox one, Series X/S, PS4, PS5

Being completely honest I only remember seeing the trailer for this and then it fell off the earth for me. Although, after picking it up on a sale I can say that this game was definitely not worth the full price it released in. That doesn’t mean its a terrible game per say, just that it doesn’t do anything grand that the past games haven’t done already. While it is fairly mediocre the customization here is actually done pretty well. In the end I’d only recommend this if you can find it on sale incase you end up hating it.

Gotham Knights


PC, Xbox one, Series X/S, PS4, PS5

Coming from the once great Rocksteady studios, Gotham Knights is a game that was already having many on the fence before its release. However, most of those concerns were proven right once the release came. The game forces you to grind through objectives to level up which quickly gets repetitive. Additionally, the whole co-op aspect really only works well with someone you’ve agreed to join already. If you’re a fan of the Ubisoft gameplay styles like with the far cry games, then you may enjoy this. Personally it’d be best to wait till it got a big discount on sale before buying it.

Ghostwire: Tokyo


PC, PS4, PS5

Ghostwire: Tokyo is a game that many were expecting big things from after seeing how great it looked at its PlayStation showcase. Except what seemed to be some fun gameplay mixed with stunning graphics, ended up being totally one sided. Its as if the development team focused on visuals alone and forgot the gameplay mattered. The potential for a great game is still here, which can still be used as long as the team can put more effort into a more enjoyable experience.


In conclusion, many of these games are still fun to play with depending on your personal preference. The main point here is showcasing games that had the potential of being greater than they were. In case there are other games that should be in this list, make sure to leave a comment down below. Also don’t forget to look out for deals in these games each week, especially during the holidays.